Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Toddler Eating Habits

To say I've been particular about Megan's eating habits would be an understatement. Many, including Nathan, would say I've been anal. Meg only ate all organic, whole grain foods with nothing artificial until she was 1. Then I loosened my hold and occasionally let her eat some processed food. Shocking I know. Between Nathan's family history of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, & diabetes, and the rising number of girls being treated for eating disorders as young as 8 who can blame me for trying to establish good eating habits early?
Then Megan hit 18 months and figured out she could have opinions about what she ate. My former great eater, the girl who ate clam chowder, broccoli, fish & black beans with glee, decided she would only eat bread, cheese, fruit, & yogurt. That's it. You can imagine how excited I was about this phase. So we had to put our theories about food into play - which has led to many fun filled nights at the dinner table. Shortly after Meg made this switch I got knocked up and was suddenly unable to eat most of what was considered normal cuisine in our home. The only things I could keep down where foods we rarely ate. Lots of simple starches and fast food. Add in some fun cravings and Meg has now developed a taste for junk. Fortunately, we've been able to keep the worst of it away from her. Although I do have to admit that after about 4 days of eating ice cream every night Megan has developed a love for it. Now every time we pass the local shop Meg tells me that she wants some ice cream. Oops!
Fortunately, Meg's stage of eating only a few foods didn't last long. She was still picky about what she'd eat, but we could always count on her eating a few basics. Well, recently Meg has decided that's too predictable. Lately there's hasn't been any pattern to what she'll eat. One day she'll devour a grilled cheese then refuse to eat it again for week. This week she has taken this unpredictability to another level. She has eaten 1.5 lbs of salmon (Yes, you read that right. She ate her portion Nathan's portion, then demanded more.), corn on the cob, broccoli, steak, & white potatoes. All foods she normally needs to be convinced to try let alone eat.
If anyone can make sense of a toddler's eating habits you need to write a book because you'll make millions. MILLIONS I tell you.

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