Quinn had his 1 month check-up yesterday and WOW the boy knows how to grow! At 5 weeks he is 12lbs 2 oz (75%) and 24 1/4 inches long (95%). That means he grew just under 3 inches and gained almost 3 lbs in 5 weeks. Actually he gained more weight if you count the amount he lost after being born. Mamma's milk does a boy good!
This may be TMI, but I asked the doctor about his poop. Quinn is 5 weeks and has had 3 poops. Not at all common for a breastfed baby. The doctor said his color, skin, and stomach all look perfectly healthy. And he defiantly doesn't have a problem growing or gaining weight so she attributed it to his body being able to take everything out of the breast milk. So much so that there's nothing left over to poop out. Again, yeah for mamma's milk!
Quinn has started smiling at me. Maybe once a day or so I get a big smile when he looks at me and since I don't smell or hear anything I'm calling them social smiles. ;) He's up on his forearms holding his head up for a few seconds at a time. Such a strong boy!
He's loosing his blond hair. He looks kinda funny as he's slowly getting a receding hairline. Quinn has the most beautiful blue eyes. There's a dark blue rim with light blue in the middle. So handsome. I hope he gets to keep them. And even though he's covered in baby acne and and cradle cap he's such a handsome boy.